Fourth Grade
Statuette Sculpts
Students explore sculpture with clay. They learn about how sculpture has been used around the world to create creatures, and what meaning these creatures carry. They investigate gargoyles in Europe all the way to alebrijes in Mexico. They were tasked with creating their own creature that has meaning or purpose.
Lesson Plan

Creature Sculpts
Students observe examples of creature sculptures before making their own. They make 3 sketches in their sketchbook, then begin the sculpt using a pack of Model Magic in white the next day. If needed, they got a bit of wire to hold bits of their sculpts up (such as wings!). After, they use tempera paint to decorate the creatures.
Finished Sculptires
Students were very proud of how their sculptures came out, and were especially excited to take them home. They were happy to show them off! They had not used Model Magic before, so it was enjoyable discovering it.