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Urbana Middle School
After a year of COVID-19, it was wonderful to be back in the classroom in 2021, and it showed in the students too. We taught them character, setting, and storyboard creation. While the lesson was a lot of fun and easily gained the student's interest, it helped them learn about things like proportion, shape language, composition, and narrative storytelling.
As per the lesson plan, the 3 day instruction was taught by us. The students worked on it in their free time when we were not present and instructing. The days consisted of: character creation (Day 1), setting design (day 2), and storyboard creation (Day 3).
Included are also the assessment, worksheets, and prompt list (for the storyboard) passed out to the students to complete.
Day 1 PPT
Day 2-3 PPT
Character Worksheet
Storyboard Worksheet
Prompt Sheet
Rubric Assessment
Lesson Plan
Day 1: Character Design
Students were taught to design characters based on shape, proportion, gesture, and cohesion. This was the class that I taught personally due to my experience in character creation. I drew the reference images for shapes in the presentation as well as a demonstration of designing a character.

Day 2: Setting Design
Students were taught to design setting using ideas behind character design. Where would your character live? Why? Included is an image of a setting a student took home to complete.
Day 3: Storyboard Storytelling
The culmination of all of the previous information. Students brought together their character and their setting, in tandem with a prompt from the list included, to tell a story through art.